martedì 14 maggio 2013


Cari Amici,
riporto qui di seguito (in inglese, scusate la mia pigrizia) 16 indicatori economici in base ai quali alcuni economisti d'oltreoceano ritengono che la grande recessione mondiale di questo secolo sia già iniziata partendo proprio dall'Europa. Eccoli.

The following are 16 signs that the next Great Depression has already started in Europe...

#1 The unemployment rate in France has surged to 10.6 percent, and the number of jobless claims in that country recently set a new all-time record.

#2 Unemployment in the eurozone as a whole is sitting at an all-time record of 12 percent.

#3 Two years ago, Portugal's unemployment rate was about 12 percent. Today, it is about 17 percent.

#4 The unemployment rate in Spain has set a new all-time record of 27 percent. Even during the Great Depression of the 1930s the United States never had unemployment that high.

#5 The unemployment rate among those under the age of 25 in Spain is an astounding 57.2 percent.

#6 The unemployment rate in Greece has set a new all-time record of 27.2 percent. Even during the Great Depression of the 1930s the United States never had unemployment that high.

#7 The unemployment rate among those under the age of 25 in Greece is a whopping 59.3 percent.

#8 French car sales in March were 16 percent lower than they were one year earlier.

#9 German car sales in March were 17 percent lower than they were one year earlier.

#10 In the Netherlands, consumer debt is now up to about 250 percent of available income.

#11 Industrial production in Italy has fallen by an astounding 25 percent over the past five years.

#12 The number of Spanish firms filing for bankruptcy is 45 percent higher than it was a year ago.

#13 Since 2007, the value of non-performing loans in Europe has increased by 150 percent.

#14 Bank withdrawals in Cyprus during the month of March were double what they were in February even though the banks were closed for half the month.

#15 Due to an absolutely crippling housing crash, there are approximately 3 million vacant homes in Spain today.

#16 Things have gotten so bad in Spain that entire apartment buildings are being overwhelmed by squatters...

Questi dunque i dati ufficiali in base ai quali si prevede il peggio nei prossimi mesi. So che i numeri sono certi, non so se l'esito sarà quello previsto dagli esperti, vale a dire depressione, protezionismo commerciale, disoccupazione, fine del welfare. Escludo le guerre, spero che la ragione illumini le menti di chi ci comanda.

Un caro saluto


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